Tuesday, May 17, 2005

chicken fingers and french fries please...

Last Friday night we had a family date with our good friends, Alison and Brandon. We had been craving "Mexican" for the last few weeks so we ventured into Lexington to eat at a place that I now can't remember the name of. By the time we got there and were seated we were all starving. It was like a tornado came through and hit the chips and salsa. Leslie and I were so hungry and excited about eating out that we were glued to our menu's. When the waiter came to take our orders Leslie went with a some kind of burrito supreme and I ordered a chimachanga. The waiter then pointed to Benmamin (our 1.5 year old son who was chewing on several straws at the end of the table) and said, "What about him?" We were both stunned...we had somehow gotten lost in our own little world of burrito's and chimachanga's and didn't even think about what Benjamin could eat...I know, it's pretty sad. The waiter handed us a children's menu: mexican hamburger...kid's tacos...chicken fingers and french fries...chicken quesadillas. We both perused the options and then the neatest thing happened. Without speaking, we glanced at eachother and just knew what to get. There was no, "so what do you think" or "what's going to be the least messy?". We both just new. I looked back at the waiter and said, "chicken fingers and french fries please". We ended up having a great dinner but totally ate way to much.

The next day Brandon and I were talking over some things we were both experiencing in our journey with God when it hit me...what had happened the night before with Leslie...this is what it's like to be in that deep intimate friendship with God. It's like your both on the same page...the desires of your heart and His heart are the same...you don't even have to think about things...you just know...you become ONE.

This spring semester our seminary community has been focusing on Jesus' prayer for us in John 17: 20"I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, 21 that all of them may be ONE, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe you have sent me. 22 I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be ONE as we are ONE: 23 I in them and you in me."

I've struggled with this all semester. My first reaction is "this sounds like crazy talk". But it is a beautiful mystery. One of those things that logical number crunching guys like me are a little slow at grasping. But this instance with Leslie gave me a tangible piece for understanding this intimate relationship that Jesus prayed for us to have with his Father. When we are in continuous fellowship with God and have that deep abiding relationship...a intimate friendship like Leslie and I have...somehow your hearts are just on the same page. Your thoughts, desires and meditations become His own thoughts, desires and meditations. You don't have to debate or go back and forth about decisions...there is no doubt. It just happens. You become ONE! Is this little example with Leslie just a taste of the relationship that God desires with us? I believe it is. Thank you God for seeking friendship with us misfits!


Blogger Michel said...


This feeling of being on the same page that you describe. John Wesley called it entire sanctification...

Just a thought,


10:18 AM  
Blogger Josh said...

Thanks for letting me know that. "Entire Sanctification"...that's one of those terms I'm still trying to figure out. This helps.

Congrats Michael on your graduation!

5:57 PM  
Blogger brandon said...

Isn't it funny to observe these kinds of things? Do you feel that you are more observant of the world around you since coming to seminary. It doesn't have anything to do with being smarter,not to say you aren't, but I think that it has to do with being more aware of the state of your entire being, your soul, your heart, and your mind, in that order. I think marriage is a union of all of these and that "chinken fingers and french fries please" is simply a byproduct of that magnificent union that is an outpouring of what the Father intends for us in holy communion with each other, the church, our spouses, and with our Savior. What do you think Josh?


8:13 PM  

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