Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Back in the Saddle

Today was my first day back in class...Church History I. After having a good break in June, I was looking forward to getting back at it. Had a great day and I'm really excited about this class, even though most of my buddies at Seminary have said it is pretty tough and a drag. But I really need to know this stuff. I have never been the all that great at knowing our historical background as Christians so I am hoping that this really puts some pieces together for me. Today it was good to get back into the depth of who Jesus was. We spent most of the day examining the religious and political climate that he lived and taught in...it was a real mess. It all just shows how out there Jesus really was...totally counter cultural. But when you learn this stuff it just makes Jesus even more irreristable. It was refreshing today...I have missed this over the last month. That's it...got to get back to reading.

Benjamin Tid Bit: After school today I was out in the yard goofing around with Benjamin. He found the watering can in the garage, then walked up to the flowers in our front yard to water them (no water in the can). He was so proud of himslef...looking at me for a response after each tilt of the can. He went around to almost every flower and shrub in front of the house. He had seen me doing this over the last week or so. Thank you God for this blessing and lesson.


Blogger Michel said...


Just a note to let you know I'm thinking of you. Just so you know, Church History was one of my favorite subjects. Don't let people make you think it's a drag... it's fun, exciting and funny to hear all the stories of our people... and a little sad too.



11:05 AM  
Blogger Josh said...

Dude, I know what you mean. It is an awesome class...really helping me understand how the church has been shaped. Also makes a big impact on how you read the NT. When I hear Paul now talking about unity, I realize how important that is. And when James talks about "facing many trials"...that means not knowing when someone is going to bust in the door of your worship service and kill you for not having allegience to the Roman Empire. Ya, it's good. But I've always been a bit of a history buff. Thanks for checking in on me Michael.

10:27 AM  

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