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I finished up the semester about a week ago and have started my CPE internship (Clinical Pastoral Education) at UK Hospital this summer. It is a full time internship where I will be serving as a chaplain to patients, families and hospital staff. These first few days have just been orientation type stuff and learning my way around the hospital. But next Thursday it all gets real when I'll be assigned several floors in the hospital to serve. From my short time there so far I know this is going to be an incredible experience but probably one of the toughest things I've ever faced in my life. I'm sure I'll have many more reflections on this as the summer goes on.
Leslie is doing great and ready for summer. We were wearing jackets and jeans until just a few weeks ago. Our backyard has officially become the Redneck Riveria, Kentucky style... complete with $11 pool from walmart, sandbox, and toys all over the place. But the most choice item among the little ones is the hose pipe (garden hose for you snobby lawn types). I forgot how much fun and wonder you can have from a simple hose pipe. It's perfect to use as a water gun, temporary fountain, drinking source, mud maker, and sister terrorizer. So we are off to a good start...except that our house is becoming more like a beach house with sand all over our furniture.
Got to go...Benjamin wants to do some "recycling" with some of my school books.
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