Monday, October 09, 2006

Blog Neglect

Blog Neglect. Yes, I'm guilty...I confess. I've been heckled by a few friends about my backsliding on the blog so I'm putting this out as a challenge to myself: Josh, you have 24 hours to write something here. So it's official. I'm coming back. And I'm doing so with a new not worry about spelling, using eloquent words, or writing some great work that will impress people. So here it goes. Check back in 24 to see if I can hang with the challenge.


Blogger Alison said...

The suspense is killing me! Will he or won't he? 24 hours is slowly ticking!

11:27 AM  
Blogger brandon said...


The word eloquent constitutes a word of eloquence. Just thought you should know.

I miss you friend.


6:37 PM  
Blogger Josh said...

Brandon, you are confusing me now. Is it eloquent? or elegant? Do they mean kinda the same thing. I haven't learned to work the spell check on blogger.

You are a reveered wordsmith Brandon. Lil' help here.

7:05 PM  
Blogger brandon said...


I just think you should give yourself more credit on your vocabulary, so I was letting you know that you are eloquent.

I still laugh when I think about your first weeks in Wilmore carrying a dictionary around. What kind of people are we that when outsiders come in, they have to consult Webster to make sure they understand the conversastion.

You don't need any help Josh. You are quite the poet. I will never forget the song you wrote, "Blankie." That is a hit, possibly a top 40 radio friendly song. We gotta get the word out, Josh Agerton is a song writer! Look out Jason Upton.

9:25 AM  

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