Roof Top Friendship
Roof Top Friendship
Leslie snapped this one on the 4th of July. My friend Brandon and I were up on my roof watching the fireworks around town (Leslie and Alison, Brandon's wife, were too scared to get up on the roof and watched from the deck). We could see the big fireworks show out at RJ Corman's place and even more exciting...all the local neighborhood firework shows around Wilmore. But the longer we were up there it became less about watching fireworks and more about just sharing life. It was one of those moments when your soul opens up and you are fed by the connection with another friend. We talked for for hours about our lives growing it shaped us...our families...where we are now in life...what God is bringing us through. I look at this picture now and just think of extravagent friendship...or what I would now call "roof top friendship". What is roof top friendship? I can't put it into words just's something to do with mutual listening and having an other oriented heart. Seeing this picture is pointing me in a good direction for this. It was a time of great blessing. I know in my heart that these are the kinds of relationships that God desires for us to have.