Thursday, October 13, 2005

Rest and Be Quiet I've been neglecting my blog a bit. It's a good indicator of how busy I have been these first weeks of the semester. I've been going hard...reading books, writing papers, doing Greek word study assignments, getting things done for our chapel office, etc. All good things. Last night I somehow came to realization that I had been so busy accomplishing the many tasks of life that I didn't even know what was going on with my soul...what I was learning, going through, struggling with, etc. If someone were to ask me how I'm doing, I would answer "oh, doing good...just staying busy". Have you ever heard that before. We say this little stuff to eachother all the time. For me this is really an encrypted version of "I don't know what the heck is going on and I don't feel like talking about it!" But last night there was a breaking in of some sorts...a word of recalibration. As I realized my state of being so busy that I'm out of touch with my heart, I heard, "rest and be quiet".

Still figuring out what this means. Practically I think it means being more intentional to have time to rest and just listen to God...for whatever he might say or not say. Just to be there with Him.


Blogger John David Walt said...

is this prior post like SATAN in the wilderness or something. . . . . . in the midst of an honest moment, a wilderness confession. . . . . pssssttt "make money on ebay." (looks like Satan missed the Spam cops!-- always does)

keep rehearsing that word you heard-- from the Father-- it's authentic-- like you.

11:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

anyone with a name of a tractor is a good guy. Like God told others about Jesus, 'Listen to him.'

1:26 PM  
Blogger David Wofford said...

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11:03 AM  
Blogger David Wofford said...

I'm learning to live in the present more and more. Its an easy one to speak and less easy to actually live out.

You are not alone in your struggles but you are surely in small company with those that actually recognize your plight., how are you doing?

11:05 AM  
Blogger Brian said...

Caught your blog as a link on another blog. Hope y'all are well.

The obvious reference in your post is Psalm 46. It's such a cool Psalm because we usually read it as "spend some time in prayer." In context, the Psalmist is talking about warring and trying to earn something that had already been given by God. So God says, "Be STILL. And know that I am God." Stop trying to be God yourself, trying to accumulate power, trying to make a name for yourself. Just be still and let God be God.

11:23 AM  
Blogger Expax said...

Josh I totally get where you are coming from man. Since beginning seminary I have endangered myself time and again from being so busy as not to be able to be reflective about how am I doing. I actually contribute part of my meltdown from last semester to not keeping in check on how is it with my soul. Things are better now and I am doing alot more reflection. Between taking care of mom, working a 40-50hr a week job, and going to school fulltime on EXL I am staying busy; but I am finding that keeping one day, a sabbath, to rest on and reflect on how is it with my soul is like milk and honey nourishing me into being more than I can be.

5:18 AM  

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